5 steps to get started with Stuart

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Create your account

To get started, create an account in our Sandbox environment.

Add a test credit card

To avoid an error when calling the Stuart API, you must add a test credit card to your account. 

Generate your API credentials

To generate your API credentials, either go to “API” in your account settings menu or go directly to the Dashboard admin page.

Set up in Postman

To import the Stuart Postman collection, click “Run Postman” in the top right-hand corner of our API documentation.

Create your first order

Now that you’re set up with the Stuart Postman Collection, simply go to the “Create a Job” request and hit “send” to create your first order in the Sandbox environment!

Step 1: Create an account

To get started, create an account in our Sandbox environment. All you’ll need is the following information:

  • Email address
  • Password
  • Company name
  • Phone number
  • Country
  • Industry
  • Expected number of deliveries per day

Step 2: Add a test credit card

To avoid an error when calling the Stuart API, you must add a test credit card to your account. 

To do so, find the “Settings” menu in the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard, and navigate to “Billing”. 

You can use any of Stripe’s test credit card details except American Express. Here’s an example:

  • Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • Expiration Date: any future date
  • CVV: any 3 digits

Check the box to agree with bank terms, and click on “Save card”.

Step 3: Generate API Credentials

To generate your API credentials, either go to “API” in your account settings menu or go directly to the Dashboard admin page.

Click on “Generate your API Credentials” to find everything you will need to authenticate:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • OAuth token

Step 4: Setup Postman

If you don’t already use Postman, you'll first need to set up a Postman account.

To import the Stuart Postman collection, click “Run Postman” In the top right-hand corner of our API documentation.

Once the Postman collection is ready, select our testing environment, “Stuart API Sandbox”, in the top right-hand corner of your Postman window. 

Next, to add your API credentials, click on the eye icon to display your environment variables. Click “Edit”, and add your Client ID and Client Secret credentials as found in step 3 of this guide. And don’t forget to hit “Save”!

Finally, go to the “Authorization” tab of the “Stuart On-demand” folder and click “Get New Access Token”. Please note that each token lasts 30 days. After that, you'll need to request a new token in the same way.

To learn more about managing Authentication for your integration, see our Authentication best practices.

Step 5: Create your first order

Now that you’re set up with the Stuart Postman Collection, simply go to the “Create a Job” request and hit “send” to create your first order in the Sandbox environment!

You can track your delivery in the Sandbox Dashboard!

Congratulations, you are set up with your testing account and have created your first delivery! Head on over to our next guide to Setup for Success!

Done with all the steps ?

Next, setup your account for success