Stuart Delivery Ltd: Modern Slavery Statement for FY 2021/2022

Introduction from the Chief Executive Officer

It continues to be a priority for Stuart Delivery Ltd (“Stuart”) to ensure that we trade ethically, source responsibly and work to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our organisation and in our supply chains. This statement highlights the key activities we have undertaken during this financial year to combat modern slavery in our organisation and supply chains.

Stuart’s structure

We provide an on-demand logistics platform, which connects businesses to independent couriers.  Stuart is part of the SRT Group of companies (the “Group”).  The Group has almost 800 employees and operates in over 125 cities worldwide. 

Details of the countries and industries in which we operate can be found on our Group website (About Stuart and our vision to empower your businesses).

Our supply chains

Our supply chains mainly includes IT providers.

Our policies on slavery and human trafficking

We have appropriate policies that underpin our commitment to ensure there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or in our supply chains. 
Our Modern Slavery Policy sets out our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implement and enforce effective procedures to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains. In addition to our Modern Slavery Policy, our Code of Conduct is relevant to modern slavery. 
These policies will be communicated to our staff as part of their induction process and also through regular ethics training.

Due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking

In order to identify and mitigate modern slavery risk within our business, we ensure all employees are subject to pre-employment checks to confirm their identify and right to work in the UK. All employees are paid above the National Living Wage and are provided with all statutory rights and benefits in line with our legal obligations.
We also have systems in place to mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains or with platform users (fleet partners or independent couriers) and to protect whistleblowers.

Supplier, contractor and user adherence to our values and ethics

We have a “zero tolerance” approach to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our values, we have specific checks in place. This consists of taking a risk based approach to ensuring those contractors that present the highest degree of risk from a modern slavery perspective are required to commit to appropriate ethical standards, including slavery and human traffickingwithin their own supply chains.

Regarding users, we ensure all couriers are subject to pre-onboarding checks to confirm their identity and right to work in the UK. The Courier Compliance Team’s mission is to perform compliance checks and ensure that we comply with all relevant regulations.

Risk mapping

On an annual basis, Stuart identifies and maps risks relating to human rights issues, including modern slavery and human trafficking. It also identifies the steps already in place to mitigate those risks and further steps to be taken to enhance current mitigations.


Stuart does not routinely carry out specific training in respect of modern slavery issues, although employees do receive more general training on ethics issues and guidance is given on how to identify potential modern slavery issues in Stuart’s applicable policies.

Board approval

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2021. It was approved by the board on June 17th 2022.
Damien Bon 
Stuart Delivery Ltd
Date: 18/06/2022