🏡 City: Granollers
💼 Job title: Director of Solutions
🎓 Studies: Technical education
🔮 Languages: Catalan, Spanish 🇪🇸 and English 🇬🇧
👣 How do you commute to work: I take the train to get to the office
🧳 Travel dreams: Anywhere with a white sand beach🏝
🎬 Favorite film: Why not a TV Show? - House M.D.
📌 What motivated you to get into programming?
When I was 18, I almost became a policeman. I passed all the tests but didn’t pass the final interview. I wanted to apply again but there was a national issue at hand at that time, and no slots opened for 5 to 6 years. It’s actually during that time that I studied programming. If it wasn’t for that final interview, I would’ve been a police officer and not the Director of Solutions at Stuart that I am today. My life would’ve been completely different, sometimes life works in mysterious ways and I’m glad!
📌 What advice would you have wished to know before being a developer?
I wish someone would’ve told me, when I was learning to become a developer, that there will be a moment when everything will just make sense, where it just clicks! I didn’t know that and felt frustrated and spent so much time trying to figure out why I couldn’t get where I wanted to go. So, to all the aspiring developers out there: don’t worry, all the dots will connect in time, keep learning and stay motivated!
📌 What’s the most intense mission you’ve had at Stuart?
I think that I’m always working on intense missions at Stuart but that’s what makes me stay here and keeps me interested in my job! A great moment that I’ll always keep in mind is when we launched our Product using Flutter! We were one of the first companies to use this technology. At this time, we could barely find any information about it on the Internet. I remember that the Product Manager of Flutter from Google read some of our articles and asked us for feedback, we had meetings with him. It was great to be part of this change in technology!

📌 What’s a typical day in the life of the Director of Solutions?
I spend most of my time coordinating with my team. I manage a team of 6 people that are in 3 different countries, so communication is key! There are 2 teams in the Solutions department which are the Customer Solutions Engineers team and the Solutions Engineers team and my job is to help them evolve and take on bigger projects. A lot of work is based on solving real-time issues and I also code whenever I have the time.
The CSE team interacts with our API integrators and helps them to use all the features that our Platform offers.
The role of the SE team, created earlier this year, is to provide solutions to local business needs. Their work is to solve all the issues affecting the local business units such as the Operations, the Sales, Account Management, etc. They build solutions within the Platform according to the needs of the clients.
📌 What country would you love to discover?
There’s one place I’d love to visit, It’s a bit wild but that’s what makes it super interesting visually: it’s Papua New Guinea! It’s a very green country, everything is a forest and it would be amazing to fly over it! I love the fact that pilots are able to see the world from a perspective that most of the population will not experience in their lives… Fun fact: Did you know that only 6 countries in the world have not signed the International Civil Aviation Organization membership? Almost all countries in the world reached an impressive agreement in 1944 that basically says that if you have the license to fly, you can fly anywhere in the world without even asking for permission to do so (following some rules, obviously). Just imagine… if all these countries had the same intentions and commitment for other topics… ICAO proves that this is possible!
📌 Tell us one crazy thing you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet.
I wish I could fly a plane or at least be in the cock-pit with the pilot! That’s a real bucket list goal. I love to spend time doing flight simulators, hence the flying over Papua New Guinea bit. I’ve actually started taking flying classes! I began during the Covid pandemic, right now I’m learning the basics with theoretical lessons via Skype but if all goes well, in a couple weeks from now I’ll be doing practical classes! I just love the fact that those machines are so powerful, I love the acceleration, the rush, and the physics behind it.
📌 If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
Honestly, I would trade places with anyone who’s a firefighter, a police officer or an airline pilot! I love the thrill of those jobs and the adrenaline rush! When I was very young, I remember my mother asking a police officer who was with a bike if I could sit on it. I perfectly remember that moment. I guess at that point I was already interested in this field. It’s interesting to see that all those jobs do have some degree of authority. I guess I’m into that (my team can tell 😂).