At Stuart, there are plenty of interesting career path stories that show how there’s no one linear way to grow your career. In fact, the opportunities are limitless. To illustrate this, we want to share a new story in our Stuart blog series, Exceptional Hires: the inspiring and fun stories about some of our most remarkable recruitment journeys.

Read on to learn about Salome Plaza, our Learning & Talent Development Generalist, based currently in Annecy, France (this beautiful town looks literally like this emoji 🏞). Salome started her journey at Stuart in the Customer Support department working from the Barcelona office. Wondering how Salome could teleport from one country to another and what her internal mobility journey looked like? Scroll down to find out!

Salome with her colleagues showcasing Stuart

What convinced you to finally accept our offer (SPOILER ALERT- the first one)?.

The decision to say yes to the offer was crystal clear. When I met the smart individuals within Stuart's ranks, I knew it was a match! Their confidence, transparent communication, and exceptional intellect left an indelible impression on me. Each inquiry I had was met with honesty, and their curiosity added an exciting highlight to our interactions.

The role itself, nestled within the world of data, beckoned me. As both an engineer and manager in my prior roles, I contributed to data as a consumer and stakeholder. However, the prospect of becoming deeply engaged in the modelling and infrastructure of data solutions, as offered by Stuart, was undeniably appealing. 

Some people might question the transition from a big company to a smaller scale-up, but it’s crucial to remember that a company's true size is often defined by the closest circle of influence: your manager, your colleagues, and the tasks at hand. Regardless of the company's overall scale, these fundamentals remain consistent.

Cristian, it seems like there's an intriguing twist to your recruitment journey, right? 

Absolutely. There was indeed a small twist in my recruitment experience. I might have said something quite smart (#StartwithHumility, as we say here) during the interviews that left an impression, as a few weeks later, the Stuart recruitment team approached me with an offer for a more senior role. This new opportunity had a broader professional scope, involving leadership in the engineering of the Supply & Demand Convoy. How could I say “no” to this ambitious opportunity?

I don't think I initially sold myself short or targeted the wrong position. As a candidate, I was looking for a place where I could easily integrate rather than trying to force the company to adapt to my fit. If you apply to a company with strong and respectful values, they will undoubtedly make room for your potential and pave the way for your success

Cristian & the shark 🦈

What steps did you take to prepare yourself for the internal mobility program challenges? Did you need to acquire new skills or knowledge to transition into the new role successfully?

On reflection, it took a considerable amount of effort on my part. I conducted extensive research and enrolled in numerous courses on Udemy*. 

However, since I was applying for an entry-level position and possessed valuable cross-functional and transferable skills, I just needed a chance to gain hands-on experience in the HR field. Besides, being someone who thrives on personal growth, I was genuinely excited to embrace fresh challenges, even if it meant starting from the basics and building upwards.

*Unlimited access to Udemy is offered as a benefit for all our Stuwies)

How did your colleagues and supervisors react to your decision to pursue internal mobility? 

I was fortunate to have a highly supportive manager William Vallenet (Operations Lead at that time) who not only understood but fully supported my decision, even going the extra mile and writing me a recommendation letter. As for my colleagues, they were genuinely thrilled for me to embark on this new journey and had always encouraged me to pursue my dream job. Their unwavering support has been truly uplifting and inspiring.

In what ways has your internal promotion positively impacted your career growth and development?

During my time as TA Coordinator, I had the fantastic opportunity to implement an interview planning tool that had a significant impact on our team’s efficiency, saving us an average of 25 hours per month. In addition, I had the pleasure of collaborating with three incredible Talent Acquisition colleagues: Ludovica Morrone, Julie Conrad, and Aleksandra Krzykawska, to organize and participate in student career fairs in Paris.

My work has been filled with a wide variety of engaging Talent Acquisition missions. But it doesn’t end there. I’m thrilled to share that I am currently partaking in the Stretch Assignment Program at Stuart. This unique opportunity allows me to temporarily (so far, 6 months and still counting!) immerse myself in the Learning & Talent Development (LT&D) topics which are enabling me to acquire new knowledge and broaden my horizons. The L&TD department holds a special place in my heart, as it has indirectly contributed to my professional growth. I want to express my sincere gratitude to Gemma Incoronato (Head of L&TD), my exceptional manager. She is a true leader who leads by example.

In summary, I can confidently say that Stuart, along with its remarkable PEOPLE focus, has played a vital role in my professional development. I am immensely grateful for the diverse range of subjects I have been exposed to and the growth opportunities the company has provided me with.

What advice would you give to other employees who may be considering exploring internal mobility programs within the company?

I would simply encourage them to go for it. Personally, I was in a “hungry” mindset, where I had a strong determination to succeed. Building my career from an early age, coming from a modest background, required me to fight for my place. I am proud to say that I am self-made. I firmly believe through hard work, resilience, and courage, you can achieve anything.

Follow your passion and pursue what truly drives you. We are fortunate to be part of a company that values its talents and encourages internal growth. As you may have read from my story, Stuart provides plenty of learning programs to support your professional growth. Make the most of these opportunities, and you won't regret it!

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